Having a big sweet tooth, the wedding cake is one of the fun parts of the wedding planning process. The engaged couple gets to try multiple flavors; and its a part that they can express some creativity and personal style. It is interesting to me how cakes have evolved over time and even in recent years. When I got married in 2011, the cake was all about a unique design. Thanks to shows like Cake Boss and Cake Wars, bakers were competing to show what they could do with fondant, sugar paste, and other sugary items. That trend naturally translated to weddings; as its one place something over the top works. Fondant was used a lot for it offered lots of styling options. It wasn't long after, that big cakes faded and cupcakes became the "it" thing. Then another shift came and everyone wanted something more basic; thus the naked cake trend was born. When that started to loose some steam, couple's looked toward something that fell between over the top and basic. A simple design that consisted of cakes with white buttercream frosting (with a simple texture), a few flowers, and maybe a laser cut cake topper. Now more and more couples are opting to not serve cake at all. Instead going for dessert alternatives. I have seen pies, cheesecakes, whoopee pies, cookies, and donuts start to take over and offer wedding guests a fun sweet option.
Even among the new and alternate options, I still notice most couples will still have something small they can cut. The tradition of the couple cutting the cake has been around since the 1930's; but the tradition of wedding cake has been around for hundreds of years. Ancient Romans had a cake of wheat and barley called mustaceum that the groom would crumble over the bride's head. In Medieval England , small buns were stacked as high as possible for the newly married couple to kiss over. It was believed that if they could share a kiss without knocking the pastries over, they would be blessed with good fortune. There are also some fun superstitions surrounding wedding cakes. Bride's pies during the 17th-19th century were popular. The bride would put a ring in a pie she would serve her guests. Whoever found the ring, was the next get married. The flower bouquet toss eventually replaced this. There is a legend that if an unmarried woman places a slice of wedding cake under her pillow, she would dream of her future husband (I think I saw a Hallmark movie use this once). There is some interesting history and superstitions surrounding the wedding cake. Its a fun Google search should you ever find yourself bored at work someday.
What you probably want to see, and what this post is really about, are pics of actual cakes. Here are some of my favorites from weddings I have done over the years.
First I will start with my own wedding cake. I got married at Brookmere Winery and wanted to incorporate the winery feel and vineyard into the cake design. Dolce Vita Desserts did a great job and everything on this cake was edible.

This cake was from the very first wedding we did as a company and wow it was a stunner. Cake baker, Rachel, knocked it out of the park. Each of the peacock feathers was edible fondant.

This cake below from Say it With Sweets was one of my all time favorites. I fell in love with how each layer had its one pattern and texture; yet blended together seamlessly in this show stopper.

This cake was different and fun. Each of the small, edible "pearls" added a touch of whimsy and romance to this vintage inspired cake design.

Dolce Vita Desserts did it again. I enjoyed love the quilted pattern and the high five cake topper the couple got was so perfectly them.

I was a fan of the ombre wedding cake trend and sad that it didn't take off in this area. This one was in a fun and pretty shade of blue.

I love everything about this cake. From the texture pattern of the icing, to the flowers, the engraved heart, and down to the stand. The real highlight of this one though is the cake topper. Bride had it custom made to look like her and her groom. It even was her exact wedding dress!

Sometimes the best decor is using real flowers, and lots of them. A glitzy cake topper and an ornate cascade of flowers fit this bride's personality to a tee.

One of my first naked cakes at a wedding and still one of my favorites. Simple flowers adorned this cake and it perfectly in with this couple's summer boho feel wedding.

I adored the big flower on the front of this cake, and the cake topper. Both give the all white cake a little pop of something without being too much.

This couple opted to serve cupcakes, but had this beautiful, small 2 tiered cake to cut and take home for themselves. Created by Delectable Delights by Heather Luse.

Just a few flowers in the the right spot to add some color, a beautiful laser cut topper, and simple texture to this cake fit the wooded but elegant feel of this wedding.

Bella's Bliss Bakery did a fantastic job on this cake. Mixing the brides gold and blush scheme with the right amount of country chic.

On this cake by Cakes for Occasions by Kim Morrison, I just love the detail and handiwork that must have went in to create the beautiful pattern.

If costs for a fancy cake aren't in the budget, be creative like this couple did. They ordered a simple two-tiered cake from Wegman's. They added a few flowers and this awesome Lego cake topper.

One of those dessert alternatives, whoopie pies. These raspberry swirled ones were some of the best whoopies pies I have ever had.

One of our couples opted for wedding cheesecake. They are big wine drinkers and love to go to wineries; hence the grape design.

Finally lets not forget about the grooms cakes. It is a great way to showcase something the groom enjoys. I have seen some fun ones over the years and here are a few of my favorites.

I hope some of these designs inspire your next cake design!